Tajik-Turkmen talks at the highest level took place today in Dushanbe: first, the leaders of the two countries had a tete-a-tete talk, and then with the participation of official delegations of the parties. As a result of the negotiations, 23 documents on cooperation were signed. 

During the talks, the presidents of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan discussed in detail a wide range of interstate relations between the two countries, exchanged views in detail on topical issues on the international and regional agenda, the press service of the president of the Republic of Tajikistan reports.

It is noted. that at a meeting in a narrow circle, Emomali Rahmon noted the importance of regular political contacts at the highest and high levels and their key role in the consistent promotion of Tajik-Turkmen bilateral relations. At the same time, confidence was expressed that the state visit of Serdar Berdimuhamedov would give a new impetus to the development of the entire complex of cooperation between the two countries.

The President of Tajikistan also noted that over the thirty years of diplomatic relations, relations between Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have been actively developing in many areas and the parties have achieved significant results in strengthening their interaction.

During the talks with the participation of official delegations, Emomali Rahmon noted the steady dynamics of the development of cooperation between the two countries in the political, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other fields.

Active expansion of inter-parliamentary cooperation was noted as an integral part of the complex of multifaceted ties.

Issues of trade and economic cooperation were discussed in detail, agreements were reached on taking the necessary measures to further develop this aspect of relations.

In this context, the parties focused on such areas of interaction as industrial cooperation, the energy and agricultural sectors, transport and communications.

In the field of industrial cooperation, great opportunities were noted for the implementation of joint projects in light industry, in the production of building materials and metallurgy, and mutual supply of raw materials.

In the transport and transit sector, it was discussed more active use of transit opportunities of Turkmenistan for freight transportation by Tajik state and commercial structures.

Within the framework of the talks, appropriate attention was paid to the humanitarian direction of relations between the two countries.

The parties spoke in favor of further expansion of ties in the fields of culture, education, science, sports and tourism.

The parties exchanged views in detail on the totality of topical issues of a regional and international nature.

It was also pointed to the active interaction of the parties on international platforms.

The President of Tajikistan expressed gratitude to the Turkmen side for the active support of Tajikistan’s global initiatives on water and climate.

During the meetings and negotiations at the highest level of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the parties also had a fruitful conversation on other issues of interest.

/// Cross post from Asia Plus — Originally published at https://asiaplustj.info/ru/news/tajikistan/politics/20230510/emomali-rahmon-i-serdar-berdimuhamedov-proveli-peergovori