On 6-7 August 2022, the International Exhibition “Construction, Industry, Energy of Turkmenistan-2022” and a scientific conference “Development of the construction, industrial, and energy sectors of Turkmenistan” was held in Ashgabat. The organizers of the events were the relevant ministries and departments, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.
The specialized forum was timed to the Day of Construction and Industrial Complex Workers first-ever marked in the country.
The purpose of the International Exhibition and scientific Conference is to promote the development of the construction, industrial and energy sectors, the chemical industry, road construction, as well as to familiarize with the huge potential and opportunities of the country’s producers and equipment, the advanced technology and services of foreign participants.
The theme of the exhibition covered key areas – construction, industry and production of building materials, electric power, chemical industry, gas and petrochemicals, road construction.
The State Corporation “Turkmenenergo”, the state Concern “Turkmenkhimiya”, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan and dozens of local companies presented their products and services, including various pipes, bricks, reinforced concrete structures, waterproofing materials, washed sand, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay, various emulsions and paints, electric cables and hoses, curb stone and tile, dry building mixes, various types of glass of the company “Türkmenaýnaönümleri”, as well as oil and air filters, batteries and others.
Leading Turkmenistan – “Bouygues Turkmen”, “General Elektrik”, “Gap Inşaat”, “KSB”, “Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanaýi we Tijaret”, “Sumimoto Corporation”, SA “Interbudmontazh”, “Road Construction”Altkom”, “Çalık Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.”, JSC “PO “Vozrozhdenie” and others featured models of construction projects, innovative developments and technologies, including in such areas as water supply and lighting, road construction, leisure industry, etc.
On the same day, a scientific conference “Development of the construction, industrial, and energy sectors of Turkmenistan” was held in a hybrid format.
In the presentations of foreign speakers, the advanced seismic protection systems of buildings and structures from Swiss manufacturers, the mechanism for calculating transport costs, determining cost-effective transport routes for the supply of products, installations and equipment from a Russian company, methods of managing construction projects and organizing consultations from Turkish developers were highlighted.
The foreign participants of the forum expressed their readiness for a broad partnership with their Turkmen partners in the development of new technologies, participation in joint projects, test trials of experimental models for their further expansion into production.
The forum raised issues such as improving the efficiency of research in the field of electric power, conservation of water resources, production of building materials, innovations in the development of the road construction industry, etc.
Turkmen specialists and entrepreneurs also presented a number of reports on the implementation of the major projects such as the construction of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat highway, the new administrative center of the Akhal province, the Ashgabat City.
Following the results of the forum, the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” concluded a number of deals with representatives of foreign companies and businessmen. They include three export contracts for the purchase of ESO–93 gasoline produced at the GTG plant in the Akhal province, three import contracts with leading companies from the UK, Germany and Italy, as well as a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern “Turkmenhimiýa” and the German company “KSB Group”.
The agenda of conference’s second day (7 Aug) included such themes as the role of science in the chemical industry, domestic gas chemical products on the world market, the development of new equipment in production, the development of energy diplomacy, gas turbines in the electric power industry, energy-saving devices, etc. ///nCa, 7 August 2022 (photo source – TDH)