In June 2022, DARYA, the first EU-funded regional project has been launched to focus entirely on measures that support inclusive and labour market relevant skills development opportunities for young people in Central Asia, says the EU Delegation in Kazakhstan.
DARYA will be active over the next five years in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Already prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, young people in Central Asia faced a number of challenges to access quality skills development opportunities. As a consequence, many young people have been relegated to employment in low wage sectors or inactivity, while for some migration represents the only opportunity to find employment. Young people are among those most affected by the COVID-19 crisis both as participants in education and training but also as young labour market entrants and migrants.
DARYA will:
❖ focus on measures that support inclusive and labour market relevant skills development
opportunities for young people in Central Asia
❖ cover activities at national and regional or multi-country level
DARYA will contribute to post-COVID recovery in Central Asia by fostering improved employability of young people in the region through inclusive and labour-market oriented skills development.
The project will foster the quality and inclusiveness of education, training and employment systems in Central Asia. And it will encourage participatory and inclusive dialogue and cooperation mechanisms at national and regional level.
DARYA is an EU funded project woth EUR 10 million and implemented by the European Training Foundation (ETF), a specialized agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy.
The ETF will work closely with stakeholders is Central Asia: National authorities in charge of Vocational education and training (VET), skills development, employment and labour market policies; agencies in charge of qualifications and quality assurance; social partners; civil society organizations engaged in skills development; national statistical bodies and expertise organizations.
DARYA will also work in partnership with EU Member States and the development partner community.
More details:
///nCa, 20 July 2022