جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف پاکستان Email: friendscolumn@hotmail.com سوویت یونین کے ٹوٹ جانے کے بعد دنیائے اسلام سخت عتاب سے گذر رہی ہے جس کے سبب افغانستان، عراق، شام،لیبیا، صومالیہ اور یمن ٹوٹ پھوٹ کا شکار ہیں۔ملک شام اس کی بدترین مثال ہے’ جہاں سازشوں کے اندر سازشیں ہو رہی […]
Exclusive interview with General Mirza Aslam Beg
Ashgabat, 13 October 2015 (nCa) — Here is an exclusive interview with General Mirza Aslam Beg (Retired), who was the chief of the army staff of Pakistan from 1988 to 1991. He is recognized worldwide as an authority on Afghanistan. nCa: Do the Taliban have any ambitions beyond the borders of Afghanistan? General Beg: Afghans […]
Эксклюзивное интервью с генералом Мирза Аслам Бегом
Ашхабад, 13 октября 2015 (nCa) — Ниже опубликовано интервью с отставным Генералом Мирза Аслам Бегом, который в период с 1988 по 1991 годы занимал пост начальника штаба вооруженных сил Пакистана. Он является признанным в мире специалистом по афганской тематике. nCa: Имеют ли талибы какие-либо амбиции, распространяющиеся за пределы Афганистана? Генерал Бег: Афганцы подвергались иностранной агрессии […]
Indo-US Nexus -The Name of the Game
General Mirza Aslam Beg The factors determining the geo-political dynamics of our region have a name. It is Modi’s concept of ‘Act Asia’ and Obama’s idea of ‘Pivot to Asia’. In fact both the concepts eminate from their failed post 9/11 Afghanistan policies: The 2005 Indo-US Strategic Partnership was aimed at establishing Indian hegemony over […]
John Kerry – The Game Changer!!
[Backlog post] General Mirza Aslam Beg For the last several years the United States had been seeking a respectable exit from Afghanistan, as the end game was nearing in 2013-14. Various options were exercised to determine a suitable course of action, but failed. It was John Kerry, a war veteran and an astute diplomat, who […]
Peace with Taliban – “What has to be, has to be”
General Mirza Aslam Beg There has been a spate of criticism, by a particular lobby in Pakistan, of PAC decision for dialogue with the Taliban for peace. In the same context, I would particularly refer to the comments made by Najam Sethi, in his article titled, بقا کی جنگ یا تباہ کن امن (Fight for […]
Conspiracy Behind Coup in Egypt
General Mirza Aslam Beg The “Evil Nexus of three As and O” struck Egypt and overthrew the elected government of President Morsi. We in Pakistan have had suffered such afflictions in the past and therefore our sense of loss for democracy in Egypt, is greater. The “Evil Nexus of three As and O” stand for […]
Urdu article by General Aslam Beg
The Landmark Elections 2013
General Mirza Aslam Beg The verdict of 11th May 2013, by the Pakistani voters, has demolished several myths, establishing new realities which promise a brighter future for Pakistan, emerging from the depths of sorrow and sacrifices of decades and the sufferings at the hands of a corrupt and incompetent government, which almost shook the very […]
America’s Pacific Century – II
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan After disengaging from two futile and expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, America has shifted its Strategic Pivot to the Asia-Pacific region. The objective of this shift has been defined under the Defence Strategic Guidance: The US will equip itself for an Ocean War “in […]
The Name of the Game!!
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan Dr. Tahirul Qadri’s Long March started from Lahore on 13th January 2013, challenging the “most corrupt government and the equally corrupt opposition” but ultimately it fell into the lap of those very people, he had been calling ‘Yazidis’, after signing the peace accord on 17th […]
“The End of Time for Rulers”!!
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan No, this is not going to happen, the way Dr. Qadri wants, nor his ‘dharna’ on Quaid-e-Azam Avenue, is going to be the “Tipping Point”, as some analysts have opined. In fact Dr. Qadri, now is on the back foot and would soon be booted-out. […]
Asghar Khan to Tahirul Qadri
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan The other day I saw on the television , Tahirul Qadri’s hysteric declaration of his agenda to reform “the rotten lot of politicians” within three weeks, otherwise, he would lead a four million march to Islamabad, to demolish ‘Zardari’s citadel’, and like Mohammad Morsi of […]
“Devising A Robust Defence Policy” – SSCD
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan The Senate Standing Committee on Defence (SSCD) is presently engaged in “devising a robust defense policy, aimed at making policy guidelines for the parliamentarians”, with three objectives in mind. One, to review current issues pertaining to defense; Two, to determine mandatory changes to the defense […]
Time to Correct our Political Aberrations
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan March 1979, General Ziaul Haque directed his Corps Commanders to ascertain the likely reaction of the officers and the troops, if Bhutto was hanged, as per Supreme Court’s verdict. I was commanding 14 Division at Okara and was called for the meeting at Multan. Giving […]
Say ‘No’ to It
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan It is indeed very difficult to say ‘No’ to temptation, because the truth is what the famous American Comedian, Bob Hope addressing a young lady, admitted: “I can stand anything but temptation.” This is the kind of phenomenon we have experienced and suffered, during the […]
Challenges and Response
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan It is a day of reckoning for us, to recollect the failings of the past, and to carve-out a new destiny for the nation. No doubt Pakistan has faced serious challenges to its security, mainly due to foreign aggression in the region and our collusion […]
Indian Supreme Court Orders Establishing Indian Water Hegemony
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan India’s Supreme Court on 27 February 2012, ordered the government to implement the2002 project to link major rivers in India ‘in a time-bound manner’. The over $100 billion project will link around 30 rivers, to ensure flood control and equitable distribution of water by efficient […]
America’s Pacific Century!!
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan During the 1970’s, Brzezinski, the US strategist, forecasting the break-up of the Soviet Union, expounded the concept of US Unipolarity: “How America manages Eurasia is critical, Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would almost automatically gain […]
The Super Power under Siege
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan On 7th October 2001, President Bush launched the ‘Sock and Awe’ Crusade against Taliban, hoping to defeat them and consolidate hold overAfghanistan but failed. The Taliban emerged victorious and are not prepared to give concessions unless the occupation forces leaveAfghanistan. […]
Waiting for the Command Decision
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan On 17th August 1988, I didn’t consult any of my Corps Commanders or Principal Staff Officers (PSOs) and called-upon the Naval and Air Chiefs, discussed the matter briefly, and within three hours of General Ziaul Haq’s death, restored the Constitution and handed over power to […]
“Pak-US Relations at a Critical Point” – Hillary Clinton
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan Threat to our national security increased with the occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, and has reached dangerous proportions now, as the defeated forces are seeking the support of “a compliant regime and a military dictator in Pakistan, to provide the fall back position in Pakistan […]