Myrat BEGLIÝEW, filologiýa ylymlarynyň doktory, professor.
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow tarapyndan Konsepsiýasy kesgitlenen daşary ýurt dillerini okatmagy kämilleşdirmek baradaky syýasat Türkmenistanda geçirilýän bilim özgertmeleriniň möhüm ugurlarynyň biridir. Şu nukdaýnazardan, ol esasy hünäri dil we edebiýat bolan talyplaryň we mugallymlaryň bu ugurdaky okuwlarynyň usuly guralyşyny bilmekleri, ýazuw dilini we sözleýiş dilini ösdürmekleri üçin zerur şertleri emele getirýär. Sapaklarda filologiýa degişli ylmy sözleýişler diliň esasy bölümleri bolan fonetika, leksika, morfologiýa, sintaksis taýdan giňden seljerilýär. Bu okuwlarda dil öwrenýänleriň diňe bir bilim almaklaryndan başga-da, sözleýiş endiklerini kemala getirmekleri hem ýola goýulýar.
Professor O.S.Ahmanowanyň we R.F.Idzelisiň şu ugurda ýazylan “What is the English we Use?” atly okuw gollanmasyndan alnan tekstler toplumy we onuň dil öwretmek maksady bilen ulanylmagy iňlis dilini netijeli öwrenmeklige ýardam berýär. Bu kitabyň “Giriş” bölümine esaslanýan iňlis dili sapagynyň ylmy-usuly guralyşynyň mazmunyny şu aşakdaky yzygiderlilikde getirmek bolýar:
- Söz düzümleriniň okalyşyny diňläň we olary türkmen diline terjime ediň! Intonasiýa taýdan her bir sözüň tekiz basymly aýdylyşyna üns beriň!
Listen to the recorded word combinations and provide Turkmen equivalents for them. Learn to reproduce them prosodically with even stresses on every meaningful word (the last word of the word-combination should be pronounced with a low falling tone): the present book; leading linguists; at long intervals; in recent times; the general idea; proper English; scientific treatises; foreign anglicists; masters of style; scientific disquisition; intellectual pursuits; salient features; deictic rules; concrete material; semiotic devices; social background; literary sources; a practical solution.
- Aşakda türkmen dilinde berlen söz düzümlerini iňlis diline terjime ediň, olary degişli äheň bilen aýdyň! Provide the English equivalents for the following Turkmen word combinations. Make sure you produce the same kind of prosody that was recommended in the first exercise: semiotiki serişdeler; sosial gelip çykyşlar; edebi çeşmeler; nazary netijeler; berlen dil; öňdebaryjy dilçiler; soňky wagtlarda; uly arakesmeler bilen; umumy pikir; häzirki kitap; daşary ýurtly iňlis dili hünärmeni; stil ussatlary; ylmy barlag; intellektual maksatlar; esasy häsiýetler; deýktiki ugurdaşlygyň kadalary; ýeňil tapylýan; dilleriň amaly taýdan öwrenilişi; häzirki zaman alymlarynyň lingwistik garaýyşlary we ş.m.
- Degişli söz düzümlerini özünde jemleýän sözlemleri diňläň we sesiň aşaklaýanyna üns beriň! Söz düzümlerindäki sesiň ulanylyşy olaryň sözlemdäki orny bilen kesgitlenilýär. Listen to the following sentences which include some of these word combinations, where they form part of the general descending scale contour. The prosodic arrangement in terms of even stresses is the same. The combination of tone actually used in each case depends on the position of the word combination in the sentences: The aim and purpose of the present book is to provide concrete material.
So far no practical solution has been offered.
How is this unfavorable state of affairs to be accounted for?
In this book we are mainly concerned with the choice and arrangement of words.
The same kind of language can be recommended for scientific disquisition in general.
A literary critic is supposed to study the language of the original literary sources.
- Içinde goşma sözleri bolan sözlemleri diňläň! Goşma sözleriň we söz düzümleriniň aýdylyşynda basyma üns beriň!
Listen to the sentences containing compounds. Note the difference in stress between compounds and syntactic sequences (word combinations): Conventional textbooks for beginners are often insulting to the intelligence of adult learners.
Very much has already been said about the shortcoming of the conventional arts-based English source in so far as the overseas science student is concerned.
The literary critic is expected to know the social background of this or that writer.
RP is being adopted by an increasingly large number of people form whom English is a mother tongue.
- Aşagy çyzylan sözlerde basyma üns beriň! Diňlän sözleriňizdäki basymy sözlükde berlişi bilen deňeşdiriň! Learn to use the correct stress in the underlined words. Compare what you hear on the tape with the accentual patterns given in the dictionary: The general idea was clearly and conclusively formulated long ago.
The foreign anglicist has never been actually shown a text which he could imitate as a model.
There is nothing in the English literary tradition that the anglicist is not expected to be able to understand, appreciate and enjoy.
Convergence towards standard pronunciation is a neutral, progressive response to the conditions of our time.
- Sözlemlerde kömekçi sözleriň aýdylyşyna üns berip, doly ýa-da gysgaldylan görnüşleri tapawutlandyryň! In the following sentences make sure the syncategorematic words are reproduced in their main forms: The aim and purpose of the present manual is to provide texts and explanations.
This is the question we shall seek to answer below by scrutinizing the more likely of the existing registers.
Very much has already been said about the shortcoming of the arts-based course.
The grammar of even the most difficult language can be fully mastered in no more than six months.
- Tekstdäki sözlemlerde käbir sözler aýratyn görnüşde berlipdir. Olar haýsy sözler? Olarda nähili äheň ulanylýar? Näme üçin aýratyn görnüşe eýe? Sözlemleri magnit ýazgysynda okalyşy ýaly okamaga çalşyň! In the sentences that follow some words are brought out by the speaker. What are these words? What are the prosodic means used? Why are the given words made to stand out in speech (we mean variation of the six basic prosodic parameters — pause, pitch-movement, loudness, tempo, diapason, voice, quality)? Learn to read the sentences the way the speaker does it: This brings us naturally to the more general problem.
We may sound too categorical, but so far no practical solution has been offered, no way out actually shown.
We have spoken of ‘scientific disquisition in general’ because in Turkmen we do not call the Humanities ‘arts’.
A philologist must be able to understand every variety of text in the chosen language and be able to place it within the overall thesaurus of existing proizvedenije reci.
For pronunciation — we could do no better than refer the reader to Dr. R. A. Close.
- Berlen sözlemlerde parentetiki girizmeleri sözleýjiniň okaýyş aýratynlygyna üns beriň! Note the way the speaker pronounces parenthetical insertions in the following sentences (diminishes loudness, slightly increases tempo and shifts them into the lower section of the diapason): The foreign learner has never (to our knowledge) been actually shown a text of any length which he could imitate as a model.
How, in actual practice, are classics and classical literature made to serve our specific purpose?
At the same time, the philologist must have a very clear idea of the kind of English to be used in his own speech and writing.
In other words, the learner must know exactly what kind or variety of the language he is expected to imitate.
- Ýazgyda berlen teksti okaň! Listen to the recorded text: This brings us naturally to the more general problem, that is the scope and aims of philology — the science (nauka in the Russian tradition) which concerns itself with everything that has ever been written or said. Philology, then, is a science in whose domain are included all imaginable kinds of proizvedenija reci however different, for the humbler, more everyday uses of language are closely connected with the loftier ones: the latter grow of the former, thrive on them, could not exist without them. It is, therefore, unfortunate that in recent times it should have become customary to keep apart, on the one hand, what is now often called ‘linguistics’, and, on the other, ‘literary criticism’.
Answer the following questions:
How does the speaker ‘read’ punctuation marks?
What are the most prominent words in the text?
How (by what prosodic parameters) and why (for what reasons) are they made to stand out?
What parts of the text are read in the lower part of the diapason and why?
- “Girişde” berlen islendik abzasy sapakda sesli okaň! Degişli kadalary ulanmaga üns beriň! Prepare any paragraph of the Introduction for reading aloud in class. Make sure you observe the rules mentioned in the examples given above.
- Söz düzümlerini “Giriş” kontekstindäki gysga sözlemlerde ulanyň! Use the following word combinations in short sentences based on the context of the Introduction: time and again; in other words; as distinct from; let alone; at the same time; with good reason; to imitate as a model; to formulate clearly and conclusively; to offer a practical solution; to serve our specific purpose…
- Ýaý içinde berlen söz düzümlerini ulanyp, soraglara jogap beriň!
Answer the following questions. Use the word combinations given in brackets: Why do the authors raise the question of the ‘English We Use’? (to discuss time and again, to be clearly and conclusively formulated, to be made abundantly clear, to require a certain kind of knowledge, to be flagrantly unacceptable, to use English for professional purposes).
How is the problem of the scope and aims of philology tackled in the book?
(to be concerned with, trivial everyday uses of language, to be closely connected, to have a specific aesthetic value, to be firmly established).
What kind of language knowledge is required of a philologist?
(to be assumed, to read widely, to get away with translation, to understand every variety of text in the chosen language, to study the language of the original literary sources, social background, to use in one’s own speech and writing, to perform orally or in writing, to use to the best advantage).
- Öwrenilen sözleri ulanyp, “Giriş” bölüminiň mazmunyny ýazmaça (gysga) beýan ediň! Write a summary of the Introduction using the acquired vocabulary.
Görşümiz ýaly, iňlis dilini hünär ugrundan okatmak sapagy birnäçe bölümlerden durýar. Ilki bilen, onda dilden we ýazuw, sözleýişleriň bitewi bir ulgamda öwrenilýändigini bellemek gerek. Hakykatdan-da, dilden we ýazuw arkaly sözleýiş hünärmene gerekli ugurlar bolup, onuň bu dilde aragatnaşyk saklap bilmeginiň esasyny düzýär. Bu ýerde intonasiýanyň, söz basymynyň we ýazuw kadalarynyň berjaý edilmegi ähmiýetlidir. Kömekçi sözleriň sözlemde gysgaldylyp, basymsyz aýdylýandygy hem ýokarda berlen ýumuşlarda görünýär.
Ýazuw tekstinde käbir sözleriň aýratyn görnüşde (nygtamak üçin) harp aralary açyk, aşagy çyzyk bolmaklygy hem bu sözleýişleri intonasiýa taýdan tapawutlandyrýar. Sözleýişlerde girizme (parentetik) sözleriniň ulanylmagy tekstleri mazmun taýdan baýlaşdyrýar. Sapakda söz düzümleriniň berlen kontekstde ulanylmagy, olary ulanyp, soraglara jogap bermek, kitapçanyň bu bölümi boýunça düzme ýazuw işini amal etmek iňlis dilini kämil bilmeklige ýardam berýär. Şunlukda, iňlis diliniň “Ýörite maksatlar üçin (LSP)” hünär ugrundan öwrenilmegi halkara derejesinde hünärmenleri taýýarlamaga binýatlyk esas bolup, onuň üstünliklere getirýändigini iş tejribesi görkezýär.
About the author: Murad Begliyev holds an M.S. and PhD degree in English grammar from Moscow. He took positions of professor of English and head of the English department at Magtymguly Turkmen State University and participant of the Fulbright Scholarship Program. He is an author of more than 100 publications and two monographs on English and Comparative Linguistics. He is currently working at the Ashgabat Language Learning Center to establish a modern undergraduate school.